Technology + Expertise

Increase the security maturity in your development

Combining our specialized services and ASPM platform, we provide ongoing support in managing security across your development pipeline.

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ASPM Platform

Take control of your applications' security

Effectively managing an AppSec program, dealing with a growing number of products, and lacking a comprehensive view of vulnerabilities are typically significant challenges for the development team.

Contextualized Prioritization

Direct your team's efforts to fix what is truly prioritized.

Cost Savings

Embed security in the early stages of development, avoiding additional costs.

Centralized Management

Gather all your assets and security analyses in a single platform.

A complete platform for AppSec management

  • Definition, implementation, and monitoring of AppSec program;

  • Automated threat modeling;

  • Definition of security requirements;

  • Development policy control;

  • Insight into risks associated with each asset;

  • Insights for prioritizing and correcting vulnerabilities;

  • Orchestration and consolidation of security analyses from various tools;

  • Automated tests (SCA, IaC, DAST & SAST);

  • Training in secure coding with context and practical application.

Discover our ASPM solution
Maintain the security of your applications with our specialized services
With an experienced team of AppSec experts, we support companies in building and maintaining secure applications, helping develop your organization's application security culture.
Explore our complete portfolio
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