OffSec services
Conviso Penetration Testing
With a commitment to proactive and continuous security, we ensure that your applications are always one step ahead of threats. Through real-world attack simulations, we identify critical vulnerabilities and strengthen the protection of your systems.

Customized Pentest: Protecting your digital ecosystem
White Box
- Test with full access to system information, such as source code and infrastructure
- Simulates an insider attacker with extensive knowledge
Gray Box
- Partial access to system information
- Simulates an attacker with some internal knowledge, such as a user with limited privileges
Black Box
- Test without any prior system information
- Simulates an external attacker who needs to discover vulnerabilities from scratch
Each application presents its security challenges. Our Pentests are designed to accommodate various formats, from web applications and APIs to IoT systems and AI solutions. Based on the client's specific requirements, we offer three types of pentests — Black Box, White Box, and Gray Box.
How our pentest process works
Working closely with the client, we define a customized scope that focuses on the critical areas of the environment to be tested, ensuring that our tests are relevant and targeted.
By combining automated analysis with manual assessments, our experts identify and exploit vulnerabilities, ensuring that your organization is protected against the latest cyber threats.
Benefits of investing in proactive and continuous Pentesting

Vulnerability detectionConducting regular pentests allows you to identify and fix vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by attackers, reducing the risk of incidents.
Regulatory complianceWith our pentests, you meet regulatory requirements (such as PCI DSS, GDPR, and LGPD) and position yourself as a responsible company regarding data security.

Continuous security improvementWith a continuous approach, your company can adapt and enhance its security practices as new threats emerge, ensuring a consistently updated defense.

Prevention of financial lossesOur pentests offer a return on investment by avoiding significant costs associated with breaches and ensuring business continuity.

Security cultureThe continuous pentesting promotes a security culture within the company, raising awareness among all employees about the importance of data protection.
Why Conviso Penetration Testing?

Integration with Conviso Platform
Our pentest services are powered by the Conviso Platform, an all-in-one AppSec management solution that facilitates proactive vulnerability management in your environment.

Contextual vulnerability management
The platform enables the validation and categorization of vulnerabilities by severity, optimizing the efficiency of pentest services so your team can prioritize what truly matters for your security.

Valuable data and insights
Through the Risk Score and Conviso Platform dashboard, you can receive detailed information and deep analysis that guide the effective remediation of vulnerabilities, turning the decision-making process easier.

Seamless communication with security experts
Maintain an open communication channel with our Security Experts, allowing for the exchange of information about test results that enhance security and the effectiveness of remediation efforts.
See success cases from our Pentests

Customer Stories | Financial Asset Market Company
Strengthening security in the financial market: how our client enhanced their operations protection with Conviso

Customer Stories | Financial Management Company
End-to-End security: the transformation of a financial management company with Conviso’s Pentest solution

Customer Stories | Rewards program company
How companies can raise their level of secure development maturity with Conviso